Reporting Guidelines


  1. All reportable accidents are required to be notified to the Accident Investigation Bureau (the Bureau);
  2. The Legal responsibility for notification of an accident rests first with the Pilot-in-Command of the aircraft involved, if he or she is fatally injured or incapacitated, then, the operator.
  3. If the accident occurs on or adjacent to an aerodrome, then, the aerodrome authority is also required to notify the Bureau;
  4. The notification is required to be passed to the Bureau immediately, giving as far as possible, the following information: If it is an accident or incident
  • The type, model, nationality and registration marks of the aircraft;
  • The name of the owner, operator and hirer, if any, of the aircraft;
  • The qualification of the Pilot-in-Command of the aircraft and nationality of the crew and passengers;
  • The date and time (UTC, Nigeria Time Zone) of the accident;
  • The last point of departure and the point of intended landing of the aircraft;
  • The position of the accident in relation to some easily defined geographical location.
  • The number of the following:
  • Crew on Board (COB) and number killed or seriously injured.
  • Passenger on Board (POB) and number killed or seriously injured.